I went on vacation last weekend to apply for college, figuring that it would help me clear my head. I thought the break might also help me find out where Dom is. She has to be alive and safe, so I'm not really that worried about running out of time.
What I am worried about, though, is the guy in the suit. I saw him again, but not in town. He was outside my hotel, a good five hours away from where I live. Clearly, he's following me or my family. Judging by the fact that he only seems to venture out into the open when I'm by myself, I'm going to guess that I'm the lucky target.
In the sighting I described Tuesday, he was far enough away that I wouldn't have been able to distinguish any facial features. Up at the hotel, though, he had his big ugly head pressed right against the window, showing me quite clearly that he has no face, just a pale, smooth spot of skin.
Well, he's freakishly tall, grew about four extra arms in a suspicious fire, gave me nausea and a headache when I got too close to him, and he has no face. All the traits are there. What I thought was fiction has become reality. That stupid thread in that stupid forum, those stupid movies, and those stupid blogs; they're all real. I was reading and watching them for fun, laughing at the protagonists as they faced some huge force of evil that they couldn't beat (yeah, I consistently cheer for the villains in books and movies), and it's come back to bite me in the ass.
I really hate karmic justice.
Wait a minute...Dom. I showed her the movies. I showed her the blogs. Her journal was about
him. I thought she was just giving creative writing a try. This is all my fault.
I need to find that journal.
Nobody, signing out.