I haven't posted anything lately, and I'm sorry. I just thought that maybe, just maybe, everyone else was right. Maybe Dom never existed, which means that she never disappeared, which in turn means that I never went crazy and ended up going to a mental institute where I escaped with the help of a very convenient fire.
But I saw him again. I know I said earlier that I couldn't see anything but a silhouette in the smoke, but I know that he's the same person that I saw yesterday morning. He certainly fits the height requirements.
He was just waiting across the street from the school, standing just inside the cover of the trees. By way of explanation, there's a forest across the street from our high school that connects to the city park and the golf course. The science teachers usually use it for all their nature-based lessons and labs.
I can't seem to recall his face, but I know that he stood out to me because he was wearing a full suit. Black jacket, black slacks, black tie, and a bright white shirt. And he was freakishly tall. I must've stared at him for a full minute before the teacher threw a book at me (a small paperback, not a full textbook). My fault, really; I hadn't answered the question he'd asked yet.
Anyways, I'm back on the investigative trail. Seeing this guy just standing there set off the urge to find Dom again. If I find anything out, I'll post it here.
Nobody, signing off.
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