I'm sorry I haven't been posting very much, but I've been running myself ragged trying to figure out exactly how I'm going to locate Dom. If this were a movie, I'd suddenly have an amazing lead to follow, some earth-shattering breakthrough that would have been brought up by something someone said, but I've got nothing. Maybe I'm not talking to the right people.
As for the 'friend' on the college campus, it turns out she'd seen the symbol floating around on the internet and thought it looked cool. She looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if she'd been seeing tall, faceless men in suits hiding in the trees. So much for a companion.
I mentioned before that I read the blogs about the Slender Man, but I wasn't being entirely truthful; I skimmed them. Unless there was mention of the lanky bastard directly, I wasn't interested in the post. On The Tutorial, for instance, I skipped over a lot of the posts detailing survival because I thought it was all fake. Hell, I think I skipped most of that blog because I figured Slendy wasn't real, so I didn't need any survival tips for dealing with him. Suffice it to say, I'm going to start going back and reading as many of the major blogs as I can find links to, with The Tutorial first and foremost on the list.
I'm turning to anyone who's reading this now for help. Any way you can think of that I might not have tried yet for finding Dom would be appreciated. The police have given up, and I've already explained what her parents are like, so I don't imagine that they're going to be much help at all. I'm the only one looking for her. The only one looking for her that doesn't want to spread her entrails in the forest, I should say.
...I can't believe I just said that about her. I can't believe I even let myself think about that. That only happens if he finds her before I do, and he can't. He just can't. That's not an acceptable outcome. And if anyone can help me find her before he does, please speak up.
Nobody, signing off.
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