Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been a decade since the September 11th attacks. Though it may be cliche, I remember exactly where I was.

I was sitting in Mrs. [redacted]'s 2nd-grade class, and she was trying to get the television to work to play a movie for us. When it turned on, it was the news, the initial coverage of the attacks. I think at that point, everyone was a little shocked and didn't know what it meant. Dom was there, too (yeah, we've been friends forever), and neither of us really realized that this was an act of terrorism, the prelude to war. We both thought it was an average, run-of-the-mill accident. I wish I could be that naive again.

Of course, I know better now. What followed the attacks was a serious rise in security that I don't think will ever fall back below 'orange,' and a war that has been the source of controversy for the last decade (give or take a few years). I've heard all sorts of conspiracy theories, but I really don't care.

I don't care who attacked us. All I care about is the fact that innocent lives were lost, and are continuing to be lost as I write this. War isn't a heroic thing. War is the product of hatred, and only begets more hatred, which brings still more war. It's a vicious cycle that will never end the way we're going now. This is why I've lost faith in the human race as a whole: we can't look beyond ourselves to see each other. I'm not saying I'm a saint; I'm no different. But I'm trying.

Anyways, on a less serious note, I've discovered that IE9 doesn't work with Blogger, so all my updates are going to have to come from either the school or my laptop (which I'm using right now). I didn't plan on upgrading my laptop to IE9 in the first place, since I'm more accustomed to IE8, but this is just another reason. I'll probably have to get Firefox or Chrome in the future, though. Probably Firefox, because...well, it's a fox. On fire. Who wouldn't like that?


  1. I remember that, too. Had no idea what was going on. Watching the coverage later, I was just scared, you know? Well, nevermind; you wouldn't know. you've always been a fucking ice cube. -_-;

    And yes, I did sign up for a blogger account, just for you. =P BE THANKFUL.

  2. Hey now, watch your language. And I haven't always been an 'ice cube.'

    Shall I add you as an author? You could keep the site updated when I can't.

  3. what? Giving me more responsibilities? Fine I accept lol I promise I won't take over >.>

  4. Well that was fast. I don't care if you take over; just remember that it's MY blog, and keep the content appropriate, alright?
