Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well, I made it; I'm up in Duluth. Lots of people in suits walking around at my hotel; a bunch of them are probably here for the wedding, but there are a good deal of them that I don't recognize. Ah well; probably the groom's side of the family (I'm on the bride's side).

At any rate, I got a beautiful view off the balcony on my third-floor room; Lake Superior in all it's glory. I took a vid with my phone, but I forgot my microSD at home, so I can't upload it here. Can't even take the pictures off. I wish my camera were better: the moon is full, and it's got that amazing line of moonlight down the lake, all glowing and shiny and pretty-like... Yeah, I love my life right now. Best part is, I get to skip school for this.

So, I'll be up here another three days, at least. Probably looking at Senior Pics on Sunday, before I come back. Since we're leaving later on Sunday, though, I very well may be able to skip school Monday, too. Parents are saying it'd be alright, given the fact that tomorrow and Saturday are going to be busy as hell, and I really don't function well on minimal sleep.

Nobody, signing off.

1 comment:

  1. D00d, hurry back. Getting boring down here

    Good, third floor is safe
