Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Progress - I've Made None

I haven't asked Dom what's up yet; the moron is avoiding me almost religiously, and tends to escape if I'm seen approaching. I'm beginning to think I might've done something wrong. I really hope not. I suck at apologies.

Anyways, with my birthday out of the way, there are only three more dates in the next month or so that I'm looking forward to: Halloween, the launch of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, and the kick-off of National Novel Writing Month (in that order). Don't get me wrong; I love NaNoWriMo to death, but I also love Halo, which is my number one procrastination station. I never actually finished the first game in the series, so I'm hoping to rectify that wrong with Anniversary. I don't think Halo 2 should get a revamp, though; it's recent enough that if it does get a revamp, it should probably wait until the twentieth anniversary of Halo.

I'm also looking forward to whatever Bungie decides to do next. They've really shown their best with the original Halo trilogy and Reach, and I'm eager to see how they intend to top the series that launched them into fame.

On another note, since Monday I've been waking up at around 3:30 each night (last night and the night before my phone clock read 3:33, but I didn't check the clock on Monday night). I don't know if it's a dream that I don't remember or what, but it's starting to get on my nerves. I don't feel nauseous or sick, I just wake up and fall back asleep a few minutes later. It's just annoying.

Nobody, signing off.

Monday, October 24, 2011

18 Ain't So Bad

Well, I'm eighteen now; birthday was yesterday. Got some cool stuff: free supper, a zombie-related shirt, some duct tape (that crap holds the world together, you know), and an awesome knife from Dom.

Speaking of that, Dom seems to be a lot more subdued than usual lately; doesn't really talk anymore, and as best I can tell, hasn't even visited the blog for a few weeks. I want to ask what's wrong, but I'm not sure it's my place. It could be parental problems, but those are usually brought to me instead of me asking about it.

I got the strongest reaction out of Dom (a bit of a freak-out) when I mentioned using a morphsuit and my 'Sunday best' to be Slender Man for Halloween (which is like my Christmas, by the way). Come to think of it, Dom was also fed up with the Slender Man-related post earlier...

I guess I'll have to buck up and ask Dom if something is wrong, after all.

Nobody, signing off.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday. Again.

I guess falling into a weekly schedule won't be so bad. I just don't know why Dom didn't post anything after the last entry. Seemed pretty eager to update the blog at every possible chance.

Well, anyways, this week is a shortened week; Wednesday is the new Friday. Know what that means? Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion marathon Thursday through Sunday. Well, for me, anyways. Either that or Halo: Reach marathon, since I've got enough '2-Day Gold Trial' codes to last me six days. I blame my parents for being cheap and not letting me get a full three-month subscription to Live, at the very least.

But, I digress. This morning was a terrible start. Woke up after a really messed up dream and realized that it wasn't even 6:00AM yet. Couldn't get back to sleep, though, so I just showered and got everything ready for school. I really wish I could remember what my dream was about, though. All I can remember is running and trees.

Oh well. If I had a dime for every nightmare that's ever woken me up, I'd have a pretty solid fortune about now. This is no different than any other bad dream, so I'm not going to waste a lot of time worrying about it.

Nobody, signing out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I have one. a major one at that. but I'm back to save you from Nobody's boring weekly blog posts so you can all rejoice now.

I've been coughing and hacking on and off all day, and the headaches haven't helped me focus on schoolwork at all. i'm just glad that i don't have choir like Nobody does. singing like this would probably kill me twice over. or more

But Im back, grammar problems and misspellings included just to annoy my fellow blog author (more like my boss, amirite?). xD

gotta go. I'm getting my Portal costume ready for Halloween. =3

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Been A Week

Sorry about the lack of posts last week; it was Homecoming, so periods were shortened, and I had other things to worry about besides the blog. Calculus comes to mind. Anyways, now the school schedule is back to the boring-as-hell schedule that normal weeks use, so I'll probably be posting at least once a week.

It seems that Dom isn't feeling so well; I've got a stack of homework in my bag labelled 'D. Stevenson' ready for delivery after school. Most of it is (as you can probably guess) Calculus. Lord, I hate math.

At any rate, between me being sick, homecoming, and Dom getting sick, it looks like this blog is cursed. Not that I believe in curses, mind; the string of bad luck surrounding this little bugger of a blog site simply strikes me as funny. As long as I don't start getting mysterious phone calls and texts inviting me to play a game, or a video tape showing a random circle with a creepy little wellwraith crawling out of it, I think I'll be fine.

So I'll try to get some more posted this week, though probably not a bunch of posts in quick succession.

Nobody signing out.

EDIT: I may re-do the font at the top of each post; as much as I like the Olde English style, it makes "It's Been A Week" look like "Tt's Been U Beef"

Monday, October 3, 2011


Well, guess who's back? Yeah, that's right: Nobody. No more endless, arbitrary posts every three days from Dom. We're going back to our regular schedule, nevermind. There was no schedule in the first place, I guess.

Anyways, as Dom said, I was pretty much back to normal by Friday, and for all intensive purposes I was skipping school. Saturday I was back up to 100%, so naturally, I went to a Tim Minchin concert with my dad and uncle.

It. Was. Amazing.

The guy is hilarious, and contrary to what I thought, he actually does more than just sing. He'd stop after a song and take maybe ten minutes to tell a story leading into his next song (the pre-'Lullaby' story was hilarious, if not predictable). Of course, when he got to the song wherein the lyrics consist mainly of 'F*** the motherf***ing Pope,' and invited the audience to sing along, I glanced sideways at my dad, who gave me a look that told me if I did, he wouldn't say anything, but I'd be walking home. Considering it took five and a half hours to drive there at the speed limit, I kept my mouth shut.

So anyways, just wanted to pop on, show you all that I'm still alive, and rub my awesome weekend in your faces.

Nobody, signing off.